


Amethyst Trust is absolutely delighted to be working in partnership with Penny Brohn UK. They are a national charity specialising in a holistic approach to cancer, known as the Bristol Whole Life Approach. With over 35 years’ experience of working with thousands of people affected by cancer we know that their approach really does work. They support every aspect of a person’s life, building resilience and strengthening the body’s natural ability to repair. The charity helps people discover how healthy eating; remaining physically active; managing stress and reconnecting with the things they love can make a big difference to their health and wellbeing. Bringing together both medical advice and complementary approaches they find out what works for each individual to help them live as well as they can.

From Penny Brohn's Medical Lead Catherine Zollman...

"The course provided by Amethyst Trust and the Standards Authority for Touch in Cancer Care (SATCC) is thorough, professional and generally provides a good balance of theory and practical instruction. Penny Brohn UK believes that practitioners who have completed this course should have the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to work safely and appropriately with cancer clients.”

Dr Catherine Zollman, MRCP MRCGP, Medical Lead, Penny Brohn UK

The charity runs day and residential courses, groups and individual therapies at their National Centre in Bristol. Living Well courses and Wellbeing events also take place at locations throughout the UK including London, the South Coast, Midlands and the North. Services are offered free to adults over the age of 18 and their close supporters but the charity rely on donations to make this possible. If you would like to help Penny Brohn UK reach more people living with cancer, please visit their website or call 0303 3000 118.



Julie Speed and Debbie Moore

Julie Speed and Debbie Moore - Previously, Directors of the International & Holistic Academy and Cedars Health & Beauty Centre and owners of the Amethyst Trust Training.

Julie and Debbie have been business partners for 30+ years and have extensive experience in the industry, both working in a salon environment and in a training capacity with FE and private colleges; they also are highly qualified cancer massage specialists.

Julie was Director of Operations for BABTAC & CIBTAC from 2010 to 2013. Together they formed the original Cedars Amethyst Trust in 2010 working with the Cheltenham Oncology Department offering free beauty therapy treatments to people living with cancer at their award winning salon Cedars in Gloucester. Recently they have developed the Amethyst Trust Specialist Cancer Massage Training Course to enable salons and spas to welcome people with experience of cancer; with the full support of Penny Brohn UK. Julie and Debbie also give credit to apt marketing and pr; Angie Petkovic and Kelly Ramsay who have worked tirelessly to bring their concept to reality.

Julie and Debbie