Quality CPD Training For Massage Professionals

The Amethyst Trust can equip you as a qualified massage therapist to be confident and capable of treating clients who present with a history of or are currently undergoing treatment for cancer. Currently, industry statistics show that one in two people in the UK are touched by cancer. Stop turning these clients away from your salon and spa today.
Facial Massage
Back Massage
Head Massage

The Amethyst Trust Training is designed by industry experts with with combined industry experience of over 70 years. The Amethyst Trust Courses are approved by leading insurance providers for individual therapists and beauty salon and spa businesses.

Specialist Cancer Massage

Specialist Cancer Massage Training

The Amethyst Trust Training is designed to enable individual therapists, salons and spas to welcome people with experience of cancer into their business and to enjoy the amazing benefits of massage therapies. The quality hands on training is designed to give confidence, competence and ensure safety. Authenticated and endorsed by Dr Catherine Zollman (Senior Clinical Lead) of Penny Brohn UK who are pioneers in the whole person approach to cancer.

Online: Amethyst E-Learning Course for Receptionists 

This course is designed to complement the Amethyst Specialist Cancer Massage Course for therapists and provides the reception team with the vital information required to enable them to arrange treatments and salon or spa bookings for people living with or have a history of cancer.

Amethyst Train The Trainer

This is a specially designed training course for Amethyst Trust qualified massage professionals to be able to train team members within their business. It covers all the theory and practical considerations of offering massage therapies to clients who have either experienced or are in treatment for cancer.