Supporting Research

There is much supporting research regarding how massage can be beneficial to clients who have experience of cancer. We have collated a number of white papers and industry information which supports our aim to provide high quality training to therapists, enabling clients to receive the relaxing treatments that they desire.

Penny Brohn Cancer Care

Penny Brohn Cancer Care has created a white paper on massage, explaining what massage is, what happens during a massage, testimonials from clients and whether massage is safe for those with experience of cancer.  You can read the white paper here.


The approach by Hospice's in the UK

Almost every hospice in the UK has a complementary therapy department operating within it and these all provide massage safely to their clients. 

Patricia McNamara

In Patricia McNamara’s published study of 1994 entitled “Massage for People with Cancer”, Professor Karol Sikora PhD, FRCR, FRCP one of the UK’s foremost oncologists wrote

“Here, Patricia McNamara, who has considerable personal experience in the use of massage with people with cancer has put together a superb overview. It explains the logic behind massage and the physical and psychological benefits it can bring”….

He goes on to say “The study challenges the concept that massage is always contraindicated because of the contention that it might cause tumour cells to break off and spread. There is really no evidence to support this contention